But both these take almost exactly the same amount of time as the -while- looping command. local mylist1 vara-varc . You want 11 corresponding new variables, each of which is to be an indicator 1 if the corresponding existing variable is 2 or 3, 0 if it is 1, and missing otherwise. This works because R automatically fills up any column ("vector") to the length of the dataframe (called "recycling"). Here is one way to do it. The syntax for a foreach loop over a varlist is as follows: foreach macro of varlist vars {Note that while the foreach syntax for a generic list contains in, the syntax for a structured list has of. These commands may be used interactively, and none is restricted to use in Stata programs. User account menu. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . local newvars teacher_late teacher_absent teacher_skip teacher_bully teacher_harass_teachers . We do so by summing up the two existing variables >: poplt5 (population < 5 years old) and pop5_17 (population of 5 to 17 years old). It works fine if your variables have numerical suffixes, as in your example and John's solution. Producing Multiple Graphs at Once Updated: Aug 27, 2020 You can use the forvalues {} or foreach {} loops in Stata to create a set of graphs all at once. Obtain strings from and put strings into Stata macros: st_macroexpand() Expand Stata macros in string : st_matrix . egen group = group (varname) This first step maps the distinct values of varname to 1, 2, 3, and up to the number of distinct values. gen schoolage = 0 foreach v of var hh_*_age { replace schoolage = schoolage + inlist(`v', "6 - 10 years of age", "11 - 14 years of age") } would be one solution to that. The manual entry for each (no pun intended) of these commands is helpful. set obs 1 obs was 0, now 1 . If your variable names don't have numbers in them then you probably want a single loop using extended macro functions to reference multiple lists containing the . 1. However, you need a thorough understanding of local macros, and the best way to achieve that is to read the Stata User's Guide. 1. generate str8 varc = "c" . A guide to using Stata for data work. That is, if your response variable is named "question1", then your correct answer variable is named "a_question1". In Stata 12, -rename- is now so versatile that writing your own -foreach- loop shouldn't be necessary for renaming. (0 real changes made) (1 real change made) (0 real changes made) . For instance, pretend that the order of the variables in the dataset is 1. v1 2. alpha 3. v3 4. beta 5. v4 6. v2 7. gamma Then typing . 1 Answer. If var2 ==99 replace `var' =. sysuse auto, clear. 006 Stataforeach. 1. . Stata . as compared to -forval- or -by:- when the approaches are comparable). { foreach lname of varlist varlist { foreach lname of newlist newvarlist { foreach lname of numlist numlist { Braces must be specified with foreach, and 1. the open brace must appear on the same line as the foreach; 2. nothing may follow the open brace except, of course, comments; the . Date. foreach is used to loop through essentially a list of words. local depvar binvar1 local indepvars predvar1 predvar2 predvar3 * expand and check collinearity * _rmdcoll `depvar' `indepvars', expand local indepvars "`r (varlist)'" * first order individual variables by best chi-squared * gen chisq = . We use variables of the census.dta data come with Stata as examples.-generate-: create variables . Method 1 This three-step process always works. The other variants of -foreach- are: List defined in macros (local or global). Stata uses the in or of to determine whether the next word is the first element of the list or a type of list. foreach i of varlist ht wgt bmi { gen `i'mean = mean (`i') } The solution, using lapply simple calculates the mean and puts it into a new variable/column. NB: it's just one loop. foreach lname of varlist list {:::} gives list the interpretation of a varlist. . Sorted by: 2. regress price mpg headroom trunk gear_ratio displacement. The interpretative overhead of -while- (e.g. foreach x of varlist mpg weight-turn {:::} has four elements, mpg, weight, length, and turn, because list was given the interpretation of a varlist. If you are generating and saving a large number of graphs in this way, I suggest turning graphics off while it is running. RE: st: foreach command with multiple varlists. Suppose you want to rename the variables price and mpg to price_78 and mpg_78 respectively. For example: gen asean4 = 1 if inlist (countrycode, 360, 458, 608, 764) The difference between using numeric and string values is in the number of allowable elements in the list (number of countries in our example). The way -if- is implemented. First, locals are called starting with the "`" (key to the left of 1 on US keyboards) and ends with "'" (key to the left of enter on US keyboards). using results indicates to Stata that . is different in principle as the syntax will first check whether that is indeed a varlist before the loop is even entered. if `var'>=99 } In the above code, I assume that you have consistency in naming of variables. list v1-v4 This, IMO, is a weakness of Stata compared to SAS (for example): the inability to create an array from a list of variables and index the array numerically. inlist may also be used for numeric values. You can do this with the set graphics off command. Yes, see -help varlist- There isn't much to loops in Stata; all I can think of are -while-, -foreach- and -forvalues-. -foreach-: loop over items Consider this sample dataset of monthly average temperature for three years. In the example below we use the foreach command to cycle through the variables inc1 to inc12 and compute the taxable income as taxinc1 - taxinc12. foreach var of varlist VARIABLES { //VARIABLES = the varlist of your responses gen r_`var' = `var'==a_`var' replace r_`var' = . It's not even necessarily the same in practice as -- unless you have set varabbrev off -- foreach will accept e.g. EDIT NJC: foreach v of var var* { display "`: subinstr local v "var" "", all'" } would seem to be the same nice idea simplified. Personally, I still tend to reach for -renvars- (SJ) because I internalised most of the syntax over ten years of using it. That's because in the first specification above, not_smsa is . In Stata, I can do. varname1 as an unambiguous abbreviation of a variable name whenever it is, indeed, an unambiguous abbreviation. Count unique values in Stata . 3. You don't need ds to push the varlist into r (varlist). 2. You have 11 existing variables. 4by Repeat Stata command on subsets of the data Also see [D] sort Sort data[D] statsby Collect statistics for a command across a by list[P] byable Make programs byable[P] foreach Loop over items[P] forvalues Loop over consecutive values[P] while Looping[U] 11.1.2 by varlist:[U] 11.1.10 Prex commands[U] 11.4 varname and varlists[U] 11.5 by varlist: construct The only thing Stata is missing is an easy way to specify variables v1, v2, .. gen vars = "" local i = 1 foreach v in `indepvars' { di . . The foreach syntax for a varlist is different and starts with foreach x of varlist instead of foreach x in. (322);". Close. You could of course type the rename command as many times as you need (in this case it would be twice), but you can automate . foreach v1 of varlist `mylist1' { 2. replace `v1'="na" if `v1' =="missing" 3. } Stata Commands in Recoding Variables Table 4. Thanks Nick, I tried the -statsby- command as Scott Merryman suggested and the -forval- command that you are suggesting. Two commands in official Stata, foreach and forvalues, provide structures for looping through lists of values (variable names, numbers, arbitrary text) and repeating commands using members of those lists in turn. For numeric values, 254 elements are allowed and for string values, only 9. foreach v1 of varlist `mylist1' { 2. label var Load the example dataset auto.dta using the sysuse command:. Now for your code, you have three problems. Here we use the -generate- command to create a new variable representing population younger than 18 years old. 2. Stata commands in recoding variables Without using foreach command foreach command with in option foreach command with of varlist option replace var1 = . Fatma, Steve's solution will work if you really have variables with names of the form x1 x2 x3 x4. In this post, I show a few of simple example "loops" using Stata commands -foreach-, -local- and -forvalues- to handle some common simple repetitive tasks. Archived. The list is expanded according to standard variable abbreviation rules, and the existence of the variables is conrmed. For example, we define a local macro called "country" with the list of countries phl, sgp, and tha: local country phl sgp tha foreach c of local country{use data`c'.dta, clear ..} Posted by 3 years ago. Thu, 28 Mar 2013 13:42:19 -0700. To export the regression output in Stata , we use the outreg2 command with the given syntax: outreg2 using results, word. If so, this is a code sketch. If var1 ==99 foreach var in var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 {foreach var of varlist var1-var5 {replace var2 = . The command regress returns factor if `i' == month is implemented by testing every observation to see whether it should be included in the regression. Counting unique values . Hello fellow Stata . su group, meanonly Among other things, this second step leaves behind in r (max) the number of distinct values; see [R] summarize for details on saved results. That is, if you are going to loop over a wildcard varlist, you can loop directly with foreach and said varlist. generate str8 vara = "a" . generate str8 varb = "missing" . 1. (At least that it is what I recall.) However, if your variables do not have numeric suffixes, you have to resort to some tricks. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. When the names are in common, the variables are numbered sequentially, but they are not stored sequentially. Note that this assumes that the variables in question really are string, as you report. Example data. Further, checks for equality are entirely literal: all characters must match in turn. The loop above repeats the 2 -gen- commands for each of the variables in varlist. Counting unique values . Computing variables (using the foreach command) Another way to compute 12 variables representing the amount of tax paid (10%) for each month is to use the foreach command. if `var' you can also do it the way you described, but you have to copy the return value of describe, varlist into a local (named 'vars' in syntax below), and then use that local in the foreach-loop Code: quietly describe _begin - _end, varlist local vars = r (varlist) foreach x of varlist `vars' { display " `x' " } Greetings, Klaudia Klaudia Erhardt