In September 2017, Bright Future, which was first elected into parliament in 2013, decided to leave their government coalition with the right-wing Independence Party, and the new centre-right Reform Party. Constitution of the Republic of Iceland [], 17 June 1944, available at: . . Perhaps it will take another collapse for Iceland to finally get the new constitution the voters chose in 2012. Thu 9 Jun 2011 13.43 EDT. This is unofficial consolidated translation.The Constitution, Act No. A prominent one for many protesters was a new constitution to replace the document that they perceived as the root of their current political and economic troubles. In spite of clear popular support, Iceland's new crowd-sourced constitution was recently killed by politicians. Then, in the fall of 2010, twenty-five ordinary Icelanders were elected from a field of over 500 to serve on a constitutional council that would formulate a new constitution. On October 20th 2012 two thirds of the Icelandic voters accepted the new 'crowdsourced', 'post-revolutionary' constitution in advisory referendum - sending it to Parliament for discussion and eventual ratification. Its 12 substantive chapters are written by the main actors in the reform, including the Chair of the Constitutional Council that drafted the 2011 Proposal for a New . MAKING A NEW CONSTITUTION The Case of Iceland Thorvaldur Gylfason Presentation at TEPAV, the referendum on 20 October 2012; failed to pass in the Althing in 2013 T his com ple t e cons t it ut ion ha s be e n g e ne ra t e d from e x ce rpt s of t e x t s from t he re pos it ory of t he Com pa ra t iv e Cons t it ut ions Proje ct , a nd dis t ribut e d on cons ti tuteproj ect. Iceland has used a Constitution based closely on the Danish model since it gained its independence from Denmark in 1944. It reflected attempts to come to terms with the consequences of the collapse of the Icelandic banks in 2008 and widespread distrust towards the political parties in Iceland. Nonetheless, it has still not been ratified by the Icelandic parliament. 2012. They had a growth rate of 2.7 percent in 2012 and are expecting up to 3 percent next year. I keep seeing some weird ad on facebook and seen some news of the topic. Delivered to the Althing by the Constitutional Council on 29 July 2011; approved by a non-binding national referendum on 20 October 2012; failed to pass in the Althing in 2013. AP, "Tech-savvy Iceland goes online for new constitution" 12/6/2011; Yes: 66.3% No: 33.7%. Yes: 72.8% No: 27.2%. Iceland is a parliamentary democracy. Preamble. Article 3. Maybe the most essential of the proposals, the people chose to go with the new Constitution, one which will be more equitable, enshrining animal rights, protecting natural resources, and more open . Cod Wars (1950s / 1970s) Iceland portal. Portuguese Sign Language is also recognized. In the history of constitutions across the world, America has had a unique place: Ours was the first constitution ratified by the . Following the privatisation of its three major national banks in 2000, a mania of privatisation gripped the country. The Iceland's new constitution is not solely a local concern Friday, 24 March 2017: 14:30. Mirandese, spoken in some villages of the municipality of Miranda do Douro, was officially recognized in 1999 (Lei n. 7/99 de 29 de Janeiro), awarding it an official right-of-use. 62. The constitution has long been seen as unfit for a parliamentary democracy because it is, to a large extent, built on the Royal Danish constitution. An independent translation. This breach had to do with an issue . It is not the way the scribes of yore would have done it but Iceland is tearing up the rulebook by drawing up its new constitution through crowdsourcing. The Iceland Experiment (2009-2013): a Participatory Approach to Constitutional Reform. This article demonstrates how, in the absence of the new constitution that was promised by the government, protesters are pursuing an unfinished project of reform by holding small, routinized . In Iceland, they are taking a more proactive, hopeful approach - and it's a lesson to the rest of the world. Eight years later, Libia & lafur and the Magic Team wish to harness the power and magic of the arts to reflect on and tackle the public's demand for a new constitution, which remains just as urgent. The removal of the work appears to have caused a surge in support for the new constitution. Voters were asked whether they approved of six proposals included in a new draft constitution drawn up by the Icelandic Constitutional Council. A translation of this essay was published in Iceland in March.. What should be done with Iceland's proposed new constitution? Elections were held to create a Constitutional Assembly (Stjrnlagaing) body, but given some electoral flaws, had been ruled null and void by the Supreme Court of Iceland on 25 January 2011 . Abstract Following mass demonstrations in response to the country's 2008 economic collapse, a dynamic civil society has emerged in Iceland focused on democratic reform through rewriting the constitution. His insights are key and really give a balanced, behind the scenes, view of what is happening in Iceland since the 2008 economic crash. Oct 22nd, 2012 ; Comments Off on Voters in Iceland back new constitution, more resource control; Residents of Iceland have voted for their constitution to be rewritten in the wake of the 2008 banking crisis, electing to take greater control of natural resources such as fish and geothermal energy, results of a referendum showed on Sunday. Courtesy of Tanya . This collection documents, analyses, and reflects on the Icelandic constitutional reform between 2009 and 2017. As the . Jump to navigation Jump to search. People voted on 25 individuals,who should be in a Constitutional assembly,and come with a new Constitution for Iceland. Hi, so what is the deal with constitution/current politics? The vertical line indicates the mean for the given dimension Digital Tools and the Derailment of Iceland's New Constitution; Spotlight on Parliaments in Europe; Asian-Parliaments.Pdf; Mauritania's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments Through 2012; Jatio Sangsad Bhaban Or National Assembly Building and Sustainability; Tanzania Page 1 of 7; Bicameralism; Equatorial Guinea Constitution The councilors sought wide participation, and Icelanders were able to follow the council's decisions and contribute suggestions through the internet using a Facebook page. It has thus relegated Iceland to the growing group of countries where democracy and decency are under stress, as documented by international indicators of democracy and transparency. Article 2. The council appointed to write up a new constitution received about 3,600 comments and 370 suggestions via its Web site, with other input coming via the social media sites. Other countries. - 7 - Article 18 Freedom of religion Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to belief and world view, including the right to change What is really going on Iceland? In June . Archived since: Dec, 2020. Arsaelsson, Kristinn Mar. An ex-member of the constitutional council sheds some light on what happened . Article 1 Iceland is a Republic with a parliamentary government. Preamble of Iceland's New Constitution read in Icelandic with English text In a referendum in October 2012 the majority of those who voted (49 . Iceland is to review its constitution in a unique experiment in direct democracy that will see citizens forming a new people's assembly. The New Political Order in Post-Crash Iceland: Refoundation, continuity or status quo. The poll comes as the country struggles to recover from its . Supporters of the 2012 constitution insist it is a much-needed overhaul that better reflects the will of the . 2. 530 where on the ballot,and everybody could be on the ballot. Politics of Iceland . ; By country of citizenship; Portuguese Constitution adopted in 1976 with several subsequent minor revisions, between 1982 and 2005. The Supreme Court and other courts exercise the judicial power. Article 2 Althingi and the President of Iceland jointly exercise legislative power. Ever since gaining independence in . . The people of Iceland have voted for dozens of ordinary citizens to be tasked with the job of drafting a new constitution. The revisions have been criticised by activists who point out that the Icelandic nation drafted and voted for a new constitution between 2010 and 2012, which the government . Iceland's budgets in 2010, 2011 and 2012 were never likely to meet popular acclaim but their measures were unavoidable." . Democracy is under stress around the world. . 49 relations. [1] All six questions were approved by voters. . The President of Iceland, ministers and the cabinet as well as other government authorities exercise the executive power. It had originally been scheduled to coincide with the presidential election of June 2012 but was delayed due to opposition from the Independence Party and Progressive Party. About 35 % of the voters in Iceland voted last saturday. Have they been jailing bankers, creating unprecedented press freedoms and crowd sourcing their new constitution? Thorvaldur Gylfason, . 33 of 17 June 1944, was amended on 30 May 1984, 31 May 1991 and 28 June 1995. . was elected to draft a new constitution that was accepted by 2/3 of the voters in a national referendum held in 2012. The draft constitution . new constitutiona high threshold of approval to meet for a new constitution. Iceland holds referendum on new constitution Jordan Shilton 7 November 2012 A referendum in Iceland on October 21 saw voters approve several amendments that could result in the redrafting of the . 33, 17 June 1944, as amended 30 May 1984, 31 May 1991, 28 June 1995 and 24 June 1999) I. Iceland holds referendum on new constitution. Voters were asked whether they approved of six proposals included in a new draft constitution drawn up by the Icelandic Constitutional Assembly. v. t. e. A non-binding constitutional referendum was held in Iceland on 20 October 2012. by Bjrg Thorarensen The process of constitutional rewriting in Iceland in 2010-2013 was an unprecedented event in modern constitutional democracies as a way of introducing new political and democratic processes. Wich is a big dissapointment. Iceland's experiment in redrafting its constitution has challenged the assumption that a constitutional process is always exclusive and opaque. The intention of drafting a new constitution has its origins in 1944, when Iceland became a republic independent from Denmark. Real Democracy in Iceland. The results are as follows: 1. Above, Reykjavik in April 2013. Icelanders forced their entire government to resign after a banking fraud scandal, overthrowing the ruling party and creating a citizen's group tasked with writing a new constitution that . Open Democracy (November 12, 2012). Translation published by the the Constitutional Society in Iceland. Birgir rmannsson, an MP for the Independence Party, told Vsir that . For much of the past decade, Iceland enjoyed surprising economic growth. That's why they will always be against it," explained Lur rnason about the stumbling blocks faced by the new . Do you wish the Constitution Council's proposals to form the basis of a new draft Constitution? org . This was a great meeting on March 29 th 2012 in Parliament with Professor Thorvaldur Gylfason who won the highest number of votes in elections for the Commission to write Iceland's "crowd sourced" constitution. January 31, 2022 - Author: Category: . As it stands today, however, Iceland is still stuck with . Constitutional Review: Iceland 2012 3 most recently drafted from any region. October 27, 2012 5:00 AM PT; Email Article; Iceland recently drafted a new constitution, a noteworthy event (a) because new constitutions aren't all that common and (b) because citizens were . Iceland's parliament will vote in the spring on whether to replace its 68-year-old constitution with the crowd-sourced version. Holders of governmental power Althingi exercises the legislative power on behalf of the nation. Bright Future claimed that a serious breach of confidence had taken place within the majority coalition. The Iceland Experiment (2009-2013): A Participatory Approach to Constitutional Reform DPC Policy Note New Series # 02 B by Hannah Part 2: Modern constitution making. In addition, there . 1330: Lightning round of 6-minute speeches. Fri 26 Nov 2010 13.48 EST. The results are now in, RV reports, with the majority of Icelanders approving not only a new constitution, but also some changes to their society. And despite Iceland's success at managing the pandemic, Jakobsdttir said she remained concerned about new coronavirus variants as well as other dangers beyond Covid-19. Apart from the United States, democracy was practically nonexistent . But it is never too late for parliaments to do the . CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF ICELAND (No. The current constitution 2 of Iceland was adopted from the Kingdom of Denmark in 1944, with the promise to revise it shortly. But only 530 wanted to be on it. Iceland's constitution is more or less borrowed from the Danes, and has changed very little since 1874, when the country was then known as the Kingdom of Iceland. It offers a unique insight into this process by providing first-hand accounts of its different stages and core issues. The Constitution of Iceland (Icelandic: Stjrnarskr lveldisins slands "Constitution of the republic of Iceland") is the supreme law of Iceland. On October 20, 2012, the nation voted yes to its new constitution. Of the 236,941 in Iceland with the right to vote in this election, 115,814 took part, giving a turnout of 48.9%. The idea to draft a new constitution for Iceland was born out of the country's experiences in the 2008 global financial crisis. In a country that has one of the highest penetrations of Internet usage 94 percent of the 320,000 population has access to the Web the panel set up a Facebook page to attract comments and suggestions. In October 2012, a non-binding constitutional referendum was . The country inherited the Danish document, but it was agreed to draft . A non-binding constitutional referendum was held in Iceland on 20 October 2012. Communication New! At a forum last year, 950 randomly selected citizens discussed the constitution, and in November the Icelandic parliament created a council of 25 to manage the process. Voters in Iceland back new constitution, more resource control. A petition demanding Iceland's government adopt the document has gone from 28,500 signatures to over 31,500 since the message was removed. An election tomorrow will select . Iceland's Parliament began reviewing the constitution this fall in a cross-party committee, and Katrn has stated it will take at least two terms to complete the work. Constitutional Bill - A proposal for a new constitution for the Republic of Iceland delivered to the Althing by The Constitutional Council on 29 July 2011. In Reykjavk, parliament amended the proposed constitution in line with some the Venice Commission's advice, and then finally, almost three years after the process began, the text first written by the 25 and supported by a majority of voters in a referendum was ready to be adopted as the new constitution of Iceland. It looks as though a crowd-sourced constitution, developed in 2012, could finally . Show more. Article 2 Althingi and the President of Iceland jointly exerci Here we will focus on constitutions as a societal change tool, including Iceland's proposed new constitution. The National Assembly convened for a day in November 2010 where the 950 representatives (a) resolved that Iceland needs a new constitution and (b) laid down the lines for some key provisions that a new constitution needs to contain, including 'one person, one vote' and national ownership of the country's natural resources (Gylfason 2011 . Description: The referendum put the 2011 constitutional draft to a non-binding national vote on Oct 20, 2012. Not everyone has been excited about the idea of a new constitution, though - the Independence Party has been decidedly against the idea. The nation sought to change that, through democratic processes great and small, leading to a draft for a new constitution. The ICC had no elected politicians - now the Icelandic Parliament are chewing over the radical changes a referendum to approve the constitution will take place on the same day . 11/28/2010. The unemployment rate is at 6.3% and decreasing, and the budget deficit has sunk from 14 percent in 2008 to about 1.5 percent in 2012. . An Icelandic Constitutional Council (Stjrnlagar) for the purpose of reviewing the Constitution of the Republic was appointed by a resolution of Althingi, the Icelandic parliament, on 24 March 2011. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The 25-member council drafting the new constitution is reaching out to Icelanders online, especially through social media sites Facebook and Twitter, video-sharing site YouTube and photo site Flickr. Recently moved to Iceland, so my Icelandic is weak, so do not get to the point with google translator. Iceland's population of 320,000 is among the world's most computer-literate. Iceland 2011 - Draft of 29 Jul 2011. iceland new constitution 2012. iceland new constitution 2012. If the proposal is abandoned, what ideas from Part 1 should Iceland consider adopting? a new President shall be elected for a period ending on the 31 st. of July of the fourth year from the election. Thanks to Gunnar Grimsson (Citizens Foundation and Your Priorities) for his fascinating interview. Icelanders Approve Crowdsourced Constitution. Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives . A thorough review of the constitution has been on the agenda ever since, but action came only after the crisis in 2008, when Iceland's main commercial banks collapsed within a week, the krona .