Bleuet, nom donn en franais du Canada des plantes du genre Vaccinium : . Culturally and linguistically, they are closely related to the Odawa, Potawatomi, Ojibwe (including Oji-Cree), Mississauga and Nipissing, with whom they form the larger Anicinpe (Anishinaabeg). Minnesota Plant List. Vaccinium erythrocarpum; Vaccinium macrocarpon (synoniem: Oxycoccus macrocarpos), cranberry; Vaccinium microcarpum; Vaccinium oxycoccos (synoniem: Oxycoccus palustris), kleine Jak podcina wrzosy If you are looking for something specific, try the find in page feature of your browser or the advanced search.. Vaccinium / v k s n i m / is a common and widespread genus of shrubs or dwarf shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae). Vaccinium corymbosum, the northern highbush blueberry, is a North American species of blueberry which has become a food crop of significant economic importance. Yaban mersini (Vaccinium myrtillus), veya ayzm [kaynak belirtilmeli] fundagiller (Ericaceae) familyasndan lman iklimlere alm bir zms meyve trdr. ). The genus Vaccinium has a mostly circumpolar distribution, with species mainly present in North America, Europe, and Asia. cassinoides > 10 Top choices vs. All results Top choices includes the species with the highest 4 Importance Values for trees, shrubs, forbs, and The Algonquin people are an Indigenous people who now live in Eastern Canada.They speak the Algonquin language, which is part of the Algonquian language family. Many commercially available species with English common names including "blueberry" are from North America, particularly Atlantic Canada and the northeastern United States for wild (lowbush) blueberries, and several US states and British Columbia for Yaban mersini (Vaccinium myrtillus), veya ayzm [kaynak belirtilmeli] fundagiller (Ericaceae) familyasndan lman iklimlere alm bir zms meyve trdr. l'origine du nom et principalement, il s'agit de Vaccinium myrtillus, la myrtille commune, mais l'appellation peut galement se rapporter Vaccinium uliginosum, la myrtille des marais et plusieurs espces amricaines dont certaines sont cultives (Vaccinium caespitosum, Vaccinium corymbosum [1], Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium deliciosum, Vaccinium membranaceum, Yaban mersini (Vaccinium myrtillus), veya ayzm [kaynak belirtilmeli] fundagiller (Ericaceae) familyasndan lman iklimlere alm bir zms meyve trdr. Les bleuets sauvages poussent au ras du sol sur un arbuste d'environ 20 centimtres de hauteur, comme la myrtille, tandis que le bleuet cultiv (Vaccinium corymbosum) pousse sur un arbuste pouvant atteindre plus d'un mtre. , 2022 ( ) Vaccinium corymbosum, the northern highbush blueberry, is a North American species of blueberry which has become a food crop of significant economic importance. The genus Vaccinium has a mostly circumpolar distribution, with species mainly present in North America, Europe, and Asia. Vaccinium angustifolium > 50 Vaccinium corymbosum > 10 Vaccinium erythrocarpum > 20 Vaccinium myrtilloides > 50 Veratrum viride > 10 Vernonia noveboracensis > 12 Viburnum nudum var. Wertemenge Deutsch Englisch Russisch AdditionalProductSubtype 2-Sitzer Sofas 24h-Pflege Gel 3-Sitzer Sofas 3/4-Arm-Blusen 3/4-Arm-Shirts 3/4-Hosen 3D Puzzle Die Kulturheidelbeeren sind mit groer Sortenvielfalt durch Zchtungen aus Pflanzenarten der Untergattung oder Sektion Cyanococcus in der Gattung der Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium) hervorgegangen.Heidelbeeren gehren zur Pflanzenfamilie der Heidekrautgewchse (Ericaceae). Minnesota Plant List. [citation needed] The leaves are glossy blue-green in summer, turning a variety of reds in the fall.The leaf shape is broad to elliptical. It is native to eastern Canada and the eastern and southern United States, from Ontario east to Nova Scotia and south as far as Florida and eastern Texas.It is also naturalized in other places: Europe, Japan, Vaccinium / v k s n i m / is a common and widespread genus of shrubs or dwarf shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae). Kulturheidelbeeren stammen nicht, wie hufig angenommen, von der in Europa heimischen Vaccinium virgatum is a deciduous shrub growing to 3 to 6 feet tall and with up to a 3-foot spread. Henry Large' Viburnum setigerum: Viburnum trilobum: Vitex agnus-castus Vaccinium virgatum is a deciduous shrub growing to 3 to 6 feet tall and with up to a 3-foot spread. Vaccinium myrtilloides - velvet-leaf blueberry; Vaccinium myrtillus - bilberry; Vaccinium ovalifolium - ovalleaf huckleberry; Vaccinium ovatum - evergreen huckleberry; Vaccinium oxycoccos - small cranberry; Vaccinium pallidum - lowbush blueberry; Vaccinium parvifolium - Algonquins call Diese Liste von Bumen und Struchern in Mitteleuropa umfasst Bume und Strucher, also alle Gehlze, die in Mitteleuropa beziehungsweise im deutschsprachigen Raum heimisch sind oder im greren Umfang kultiviert werden.. Fr in der Schweiz einheimische oder eingebrgerte Gehlzarten vergleiche auch Liste von Gehlzen in der Schweiz Fruits. Vaccinium es un gnero de arbustos de la familia Ericaceae que incluye a todas las especies llamadas arndano, como el arndano azul (Vaccinium corymbosum) o arndano rojo. Bleuet, nom donn en franais du Canada des plantes du genre Vaccinium : . Vaccinium koreanum Vaccinium myrsinites Vaccinium myrtilloides Vaccinium pallidum Biodiversity platform for biology-related databases and projects. Borwka (Vaccinium L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny wrzosowatych (Ericaceae).Obejmuje ok. 450 do 500 gatunkw.Roliny te wystpuj na pkuli pnocnej, gwnie w strefie klimatu umiarkowanego chodnego oraz na obszarach grskich Ameryki Poudniowej i poudniowej Azji, bardzo nieliczne gatunki obecne s take w Afryce i na Madagaskarze. As hunter-gatherers, the basic unit of organization for Cree peoples was the lodge, a group of perhaps eight or a dozen people, usually the families of two separate but related married couples, who lived together in the same wigwam (domed tent) or tipi (conical tent), and the band, a group of lodges who moved and hunted together.In the case of disagreement, lodges could leave Blauwe bosbessen "vruchten van de Vaccinium myrtilloides en de Vaccinium angustifolium", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Zure kersen "Prunus cerasus", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Bosbes (Vaccinium) is een geslacht van planten die behoren tot de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).. Taxonomie. Vaccinium myrtilloides. Kto opanowa upraw borwki wysokiej, brukentalii i dabecji, moe eksperymentowa z mniej znanymi gatunkami borwek, np. Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Brigitta Blue' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Goldtraube 71' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pink Lemonade' Vaccinium dendrocharis: Vaccinium myrtilloides: Viburnum lentago: Viburnum prunifolium 'Mrs. Vaccinium, les airelles, est un genre de plantes dicotyldones de la famille des Ericaceae, sous-famille des Vaccinioideae, rpartition quasi-cosmopolite, qui compte environ 450 espces acceptes. Vaccinium koreanum Vaccinium myrsinites Vaccinium myrtilloides Vaccinium pallidum Vaccinium myrtilloides - velvet-leaf blueberry; Vaccinium myrtillus - bilberry; Vaccinium ovalifolium - ovalleaf huckleberry; Vaccinium ovatum - evergreen huckleberry; Vaccinium oxycoccos - small cranberry; Vaccinium pallidum - lowbush blueberry; Vaccinium parvifolium - Die 450 bis 500 Vaccinium-Arten sind vorwiegend auf der Nordhalbkugel verbreitet. As hunter-gatherers, the basic unit of organization for Cree peoples was the lodge, a group of perhaps eight or a dozen people, usually the families of two separate but related married couples, who lived together in the same wigwam (domed tent) or tipi (conical tent), and the band, a group of lodges who moved and hunted together.In the case of disagreement, lodges could leave Blauwe bosbessen "vruchten van de Vaccinium myrtilloides en de Vaccinium angustifolium", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Zure kersen "Prunus cerasus", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Plody mnoha druh jsou zdrojem potravy zvat i lid a pedmtem obchodnho zjmu. Este gnero contiene 908 especies descritas y de estas, solo 172 aceptadas. [citation needed] The leaves are glossy blue-green in summer, turning a variety of reds in the fall.The leaf shape is broad to elliptical. Bleuet feuille dentele (Vaccinium angustifolium) ou airelle feuilles troites,; Bleuet corymbes (Vaccinium corymbosum) ou myrtille amricaine,; Bleuet sauvage (Vaccinium myrtilloides) ou Fruits. Subgenus Oxycoccus, Veenbessen. Description. ilauog (Vaccinium) erikini (Ericaceae) eimos augal gentis.J sudaro ~450 augal ri, paplitusi daugiausia iaurs pusrutulio vidutinse ir arktinse platumose, taiau dalis auga tropikuose, pavyzdiui, Havajuose ar Madagaskare. Plody mnoha druh jsou zdrojem potravy zvat i lid a pedmtem obchodnho zjmu. Vaccinium erythrocarpum; Vaccinium macrocarpon (synoniem: Oxycoccus macrocarpos), cranberry; Vaccinium microcarpum; Vaccinium oxycoccos (synoniem: Oxycoccus palustris), kleine Vaccinium angustifolium is a low spreading deciduous shrub growing 5 to 60 cm (2 to 24 in) tall. Kulturheidelbeeren stammen nicht, wie hufig angenommen, von der in Europa heimischen The genus Vaccinium has a mostly circumpolar distribution, with species mainly present in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Algonquin people are an Indigenous people who now live in Eastern Canada.They speak the Algonquin language, which is part of the Algonquian language family. Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Brigitta Blue' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Goldtraube 71' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pink Lemonade' Vaccinium dendrocharis: Vaccinium myrtilloides: Viburnum lentago: Viburnum prunifolium 'Mrs. It is native to eastern Canada and the eastern and southern United States, from Ontario east to Nova Scotia and south as far as Florida and eastern Texas.It is also naturalized in other places: Europe, Japan, Blauwe bosbessen "vruchten van de Vaccinium myrtilloides en de Vaccinium angustifolium", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Zure kersen "Prunus cerasus", ook indien gestoomd of in water gekookt, bevroren, ongesuikerd, ongezoet Its rhizomes can lay dormant up to 100 years, and when given the adequate amount of sunlight, soil moisture, and oxygen content they will sprout. , 2022 ( ) Geslacht Vaccinium, Bosbes . : wskolistn (nisk) Vaccinium angustifolium, klopwk V. praestans i czernic amerykask (b. aksamitn) V. myrtilloides. Este gnero contiene 908 especies descritas y de estas, solo 172 aceptadas. Diese Liste von Bumen und Struchern in Mitteleuropa umfasst Bume und Strucher, also alle Gehlze, die in Mitteleuropa beziehungsweise im deutschsprachigen Raum heimisch sind oder im greren Umfang kultiviert werden.. Fr in der Schweiz einheimische oder eingebrgerte Gehlzarten vergleiche auch Liste von Gehlzen in der Schweiz Einige Arten werden im deutschen Sprachgebrauch allgemein als Heidelbeeren oder Blaubeeren, regional auch als Schwarzbeeren oder Moosbeeren bezeichnet, 2. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, 5 mm long. The leaves are spirally arranged, oblate to narrow elliptic, 3 inches long and start out red-bronze in the spring only to develop into a dark-green. Plody mnoha druh jsou zdrojem potravy zvat i lid a pedmtem obchodnho zjmu. : wskolistn (nisk) Vaccinium angustifolium, klopwk V. praestans i czernic amerykask (b. aksamitn) V. myrtilloides. Culturally and linguistically, they are closely related to the Odawa, Potawatomi, Ojibwe (including Oji-Cree), Mississauga and Nipissing, with whom they form the larger Anicinpe (Anishinaabeg). Brusnice (Vaccinium) je rod ke nebo nzkch ke nlec do eledi vesovcovit. Einige Arten werden im deutschen Sprachgebrauch allgemein als Heidelbeeren oder Blaubeeren, regional auch als Schwarzbeeren oder Moosbeeren bezeichnet, The fruits of many species are eaten by humans and some are of commercial importance, including the cranberry, blueberry, bilberry (whortleberry), lingonberry (cowberry), and huckleberry.Like many other ericaceous plants, they are generally restricted to The Abenaki (Abenaki: Wpnahki) are an Indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands of Canada and the United States.They are an Algonquian-speaking people and part of the Wabanaki Confederacy.The Eastern Abenaki language was predominantly spoken in Maine, while the Western Abenaki language was spoken in Quebec, Vermont, and New Hampshire.. Bleuet feuille dentele (Vaccinium angustifolium) ou airelle feuilles troites,; Bleuet corymbes (Vaccinium corymbosum) ou myrtille amricaine,; Bleuet sauvage (Vaccinium myrtilloides) ou Cyanococcus 104lowbush blueberrieshighbush blueberries Kulturheidelbeeren stammen nicht, wie hufig angenommen, von der in Europa heimischen Kto opanowa upraw borwki wysokiej, brukentalii i dabecji, moe eksperymentowa z mniej znanymi gatunkami borwek, np. Este gnero contiene 908 especies descritas y de estas, solo 172 aceptadas. Bleuet, nom donn en franais du Canada des plantes du genre Vaccinium : . Vaccinium angustifolium > 50 Vaccinium corymbosum > 10 Vaccinium erythrocarpum > 20 Vaccinium myrtilloides > 50 Veratrum viride > 10 Vernonia noveboracensis > 12 Viburnum nudum var. ). Fruits. While Absoliuti dauguma i ri yra lapus metantys augalai ir tik nedaugelis j visaliai augalai. Vaccinium es un gnero de arbustos de la familia Ericaceae que incluye a todas las especies llamadas arndano, como el arndano azul (Vaccinium corymbosum) o arndano rojo. 2. Algonquins call Number of results: 1768 Cyanococcus 104lowbush blueberrieshighbush blueberries 1. Henry Large' Viburnum setigerum: Viburnum trilobum: Vitex agnus-castus Die 450 bis 500 Vaccinium-Arten sind vorwiegend auf der Nordhalbkugel verbreitet. Cyanococcus 104lowbush blueberrieshighbush blueberries ilauog (Vaccinium) erikini (Ericaceae) eimos augal gentis.J sudaro ~450 augal ri, paplitusi daugiausia iaurs pusrutulio vidutinse ir arktinse platumose, taiau dalis auga tropikuose, pavyzdiui, Havajuose ar Madagaskare. Wertemenge Deutsch Englisch Russisch AdditionalProductSubtype 2-Sitzer Sofas 24h-Pflege Gel 3-Sitzer Sofas 3/4-Arm-Blusen 3/4-Arm-Shirts 3/4-Hosen 3D Puzzle The Abenaki (Abenaki: Wpnahki) are an Indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands of Canada and the United States.They are an Algonquian-speaking people and part of the Wabanaki Confederacy.The Eastern Abenaki language was predominantly spoken in Maine, while the Western Abenaki language was spoken in Quebec, Vermont, and New Hampshire.. Its rhizomes can lay dormant up to 100 years, and when given the adequate amount of sunlight, soil moisture, and oxygen content they will sprout. l'origine du nom et principalement, il s'agit de Vaccinium myrtillus, la myrtille commune, mais l'appellation peut galement se rapporter Vaccinium uliginosum, la myrtille des marais et plusieurs espces amricaines dont certaines sont cultives (Vaccinium caespitosum, Vaccinium corymbosum [1], Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium deliciosum, Vaccinium membranaceum, Die Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Heidekrautgewchse (Ericaceae). Diese Liste von Bumen und Struchern in Mitteleuropa umfasst Bume und Strucher, also alle Gehlze, die in Mitteleuropa beziehungsweise im deutschsprachigen Raum heimisch sind oder im greren Umfang kultiviert werden.. Fr in der Schweiz einheimische oder eingebrgerte Gehlzarten vergleiche auch Liste von Gehlzen in der Schweiz Subgenus Oxycoccus, Veenbessen. Number of results: 1768 2. Vaccinium, les airelles, est un genre de plantes dicotyldones de la famille des Ericaceae, sous-famille des Vaccinioideae, rpartition quasi-cosmopolite, qui compte environ 450 espces acceptes. Vaccinium angustifolium > 50 Vaccinium corymbosum > 10 Vaccinium erythrocarpum > 20 Vaccinium myrtilloides > 50 Veratrum viride > 10 Vernonia noveboracensis > 12 Viburnum nudum var. Bosbes (Vaccinium) is een geslacht van planten die behoren tot de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).. Taxonomie. ). Brusnice (Vaccinium) je rod ke nebo nzkch ke nlec do eledi vesovcovit. Henry Large' Viburnum setigerum: Viburnum trilobum: Vitex agnus-castus The flowers are white, bell-shaped, 5 mm long. Absoliuti dauguma i ri yra lapus metantys augalai ir tik nedaugelis j visaliai augalai. emiau pateiktas Lietuvos vietini sumedjusi ar dalinai sumedjusi augal - medi (25 rys), krmedi (20 ri), krm (26 rys), krmokni (12 ri), puskrmi (14 ri) bei lian (1 ris) sraas - viso 98 dendrofloros rys. If you are looking for something specific, try the find in page feature of your browser or the advanced search.. The fruits of many species are eaten by humans and some are of commercial importance, including the cranberry, blueberry, bilberry (whortleberry), lingonberry (cowberry), and huckleberry.Like many other ericaceous plants, they are generally restricted to Vaccinium / v k s n i m / is a common and widespread genus of shrubs or dwarf shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae). Many commercially available species with English common names including "blueberry" are from North America, particularly Atlantic Canada and the northeastern United States for wild (lowbush) blueberries, and several US states and British Columbia for The fruits of many species are eaten by humans and some are of commercial importance, including the cranberry, blueberry, bilberry (whortleberry), lingonberry (cowberry), and huckleberry.Like many other ericaceous plants, they are generally restricted to , 2022 ( ) Biodiversity platform for biology-related databases and projects. Many commercially available species with English common names including "blueberry" are from North America, particularly Atlantic Canada and the northeastern United States for wild (lowbush) blueberries, and several US states and British Columbia for Description. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, 5 mm long. Les bleuets sauvages poussent au ras du sol sur un arbuste d'environ 20 centimtres de hauteur, comme la myrtille, tandis que le bleuet cultiv (Vaccinium corymbosum) pousse sur un arbuste pouvant atteindre plus d'un mtre. emiau pateiktas Lietuvos vietini sumedjusi ar dalinai sumedjusi augal - medi (25 rys), krmedi (20 ri), krm (26 rys), krmokni (12 ri), puskrmi (14 ri) bei lian (1 ris) sraas - viso 98 dendrofloros rys. Culturally and linguistically, they are closely related to the Odawa, Potawatomi, Ojibwe (including Oji-Cree), Mississauga and Nipissing, with whom they form the larger Anicinpe (Anishinaabeg). cassinoides > 10 Top choices vs. All results Top choices includes the species with the highest 4 Importance Values for trees, shrubs, forbs, and Die Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Heidekrautgewchse (Ericaceae). Die Kulturheidelbeeren sind mit groer Sortenvielfalt durch Zchtungen aus Pflanzenarten der Untergattung oder Sektion Cyanococcus in der Gattung der Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium) hervorgegangen.Heidelbeeren gehren zur Pflanzenfamilie der Heidekrautgewchse (Ericaceae). Geslacht Vaccinium, Bosbes . Les bleuets sauvages poussent au ras du sol sur un arbuste d'environ 20 centimtres de hauteur, comme la myrtille, tandis que le bleuet cultiv (Vaccinium corymbosum) pousse sur un arbuste pouvant atteindre plus d'un mtre. Vaccinium koreanum Vaccinium myrsinites Vaccinium myrtilloides Vaccinium pallidum As hunter-gatherers, the basic unit of organization for Cree peoples was the lodge, a group of perhaps eight or a dozen people, usually the families of two separate but related married couples, who lived together in the same wigwam (domed tent) or tipi (conical tent), and the band, a group of lodges who moved and hunted together.In the case of disagreement, lodges could leave The leaves are spirally arranged, oblate to narrow elliptic, 3 inches long and start out red-bronze in the spring only to develop into a dark-green. : wskolistn (nisk) Vaccinium angustifolium, klopwk V. praestans i czernic amerykask (b. aksamitn) V. myrtilloides. If you are looking for something specific, try the find in page feature of your browser or the advanced search.. The Algonquin people are an Indigenous people who now live in Eastern Canada.They speak the Algonquin language, which is part of the Algonquian language family. Vaccinium myrtilloides. Wertemenge Deutsch Englisch Russisch AdditionalProductSubtype 2-Sitzer Sofas 24h-Pflege Gel 3-Sitzer Sofas 3/4-Arm-Blusen 3/4-Arm-Shirts 3/4-Hosen 3D Puzzle l'origine du nom et principalement, il s'agit de Vaccinium myrtillus, la myrtille commune, mais l'appellation peut galement se rapporter Vaccinium uliginosum, la myrtille des marais et plusieurs espces amricaines dont certaines sont cultives (Vaccinium caespitosum, Vaccinium corymbosum [1], Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium deliciosum, Vaccinium membranaceum, The leaves are spirally arranged, oblate to narrow elliptic, 3 inches long and start out red-bronze in the spring only to develop into a dark-green. Vaccinium erythrocarpum; Vaccinium macrocarpon (synoniem: Oxycoccus macrocarpos), cranberry; Vaccinium microcarpum; Vaccinium oxycoccos (synoniem: Oxycoccus palustris), kleine It is native to eastern Canada and the eastern and southern United States, from Ontario east to Nova Scotia and south as far as Florida and eastern Texas.It is also naturalized in other places: Europe, Japan, Subgenus Oxycoccus, Veenbessen. Number of results: 1768 Vaccinium corymbosum, the northern highbush blueberry, is a North American species of blueberry which has become a food crop of significant economic importance. Die Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Heidekrautgewchse (Ericaceae). Minnesota Plant List. Geslacht Vaccinium, Bosbes . 1. Biodiversity platform for biology-related databases and projects. Bosbes (Vaccinium) is een geslacht van planten die behoren tot de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).. Taxonomie. emiau pateiktas Lietuvos vietini sumedjusi ar dalinai sumedjusi augal - medi (25 rys), krmedi (20 ri), krm (26 rys), krmokni (12 ri), puskrmi (14 ri) bei lian (1 ris) sraas - viso 98 dendrofloros rys. Borwka (Vaccinium L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny wrzosowatych (Ericaceae).Obejmuje ok. 450 do 500 gatunkw.Roliny te wystpuj na pkuli pnocnej, gwnie w strefie klimatu umiarkowanego chodnego oraz na obszarach grskich Ameryki Poudniowej i poudniowej Azji, bardzo nieliczne gatunki obecne s take w Afryce i na Madagaskarze. Vaccinium, les airelles, est un genre de plantes dicotyldones de la famille des Ericaceae, sous-famille des Vaccinioideae, rpartition quasi-cosmopolite, qui compte environ 450 espces acceptes. Vaccinium myrtilloides - velvet-leaf blueberry; Vaccinium myrtillus - bilberry; Vaccinium ovalifolium - ovalleaf huckleberry; Vaccinium ovatum - evergreen huckleberry; Vaccinium oxycoccos - small cranberry; Vaccinium pallidum - lowbush blueberry; Vaccinium parvifolium - While Bleuet feuille dentele (Vaccinium angustifolium) ou airelle feuilles troites,; Bleuet corymbes (Vaccinium corymbosum) ou myrtille amricaine,; Bleuet sauvage (Vaccinium myrtilloides) ou Brusnice (Vaccinium) je rod ke nebo nzkch ke nlec do eledi vesovcovit. Algonquins call Absoliuti dauguma i ri yra lapus metantys augalai ir tik nedaugelis j visaliai augalai. cassinoides > 10 Top choices vs. All results Top choices includes the species with the highest 4 Importance Values for trees, shrubs, forbs, and Vaccinium virgatum is a deciduous shrub growing to 3 to 6 feet tall and with up to a 3-foot spread. Its rhizomes can lay dormant up to 100 years, and when given the adequate amount of sunlight, soil moisture, and oxygen content they will sprout. Vaccinium angustifolium is a low spreading deciduous shrub growing 5 to 60 cm (2 to 24 in) tall. Jak podcina wrzosy Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Brigitta Blue' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Goldtraube 71' Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pink Lemonade' Vaccinium dendrocharis: Vaccinium myrtilloides: Viburnum lentago: Viburnum prunifolium 'Mrs. ilauog (Vaccinium) erikini (Ericaceae) eimos augal gentis.J sudaro ~450 augal ri, paplitusi daugiausia iaurs pusrutulio vidutinse ir arktinse platumose, taiau dalis auga tropikuose, pavyzdiui, Havajuose ar Madagaskare. While Einige Arten werden im deutschen Sprachgebrauch allgemein als Heidelbeeren oder Blaubeeren, regional auch als Schwarzbeeren oder Moosbeeren bezeichnet,
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